Comprehensive Tooth Loss Guidance in Charlotte, NC

Imagine Dentistry at the Arboretum, located in Charlotte, NC, is here to guide you on what to do in the unfortunate event of tooth loss. Tooth loss can occur due to various causes, including dental decay, gum disease, trauma, or accidents. Regardless of the cause, knowing how to respond is essential for your dental health and overall well-being.

First and foremost, if you experience tooth loss, it’s crucial to contact a professional like Dr. Ann B. Coambs at Imagine Dentistry at the Arboretum immediately. Dr. Coambs boasts extensive experience in restorative dentistry and is well-equipped to provide you with the best solutions for tooth replacement. You can schedule an appointment by calling (704) 540-7600.

Immediate action is essential when a tooth is lost. If possible, locate the missing tooth and handle it by the crown (the top part) rather than the root. Rinse it gently with clean water if it’s dirty, and try to place it back into the socket. If this isn’t feasible, store it in a container of milk or saliva until you can see Dr. Coambs.

Ignoring tooth loss can lead to various complications, including shifting of adjacent teeth, difficulties in eating and speaking, and a potential impact on your self-confidence. Remember, Imagine Dentistry at the Arboretum is your trusted partner in Charlotte, NC, when it comes to tooth loss. Contact us today, and let us help you regain your smile and oral health.